Category: Uncategorized

A report from Global Data was cited in a Fierce Biotech article that claims more than a quarter of rare disease trials are culled due to low patient rates. The data analytics and life science consultancy firm examined over 700 rare disease studies from 2016 to 2020 to arrive at the conclusion. How to Better […]

This insightful article by PharmaVOICE discusses how decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) reduce burdens on patients. Nicholas Kenny, Ph.D., chief scientific officer at Syneos Health says, “The key advantage is DCTs allow us to take the trial to the patient as opposed to taking the patient to the site.” The focus of the story begins by […]

Thank you, H Clinical nurses, for bringing clinical research home! You have remained unwavering during the pandemic and inspired with your positive outlook. Your dedication to participants and to research moves clinical trials forward, even in the most challenging home visit scenarios. Solo visits, hard travel, unfamiliar settings, full personal protective equipment (PPE), no air […]

H Clinical provided the logistics and home visit support for Janssen’s NCT04505722 Ensemble clinical trial in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, and Peru. This trial resulted in a single-dose COVID-19 vaccine that received FDA’s emergency use authorization on February 27, 2021, for use in individuals 18 years of age and older. For more information see: FDA […]

H Clinical President, Mitchell Parrish, is presenting at the MRCT Bioethics Collaborative on decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) and ethical challenges. As the leader in supporting decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) in Latin America, H Clinical understands the challenges DCTs face and how to overcome them. See here for more information: MRCT Center Bioethics Collaborative – The Multi-Regional […]