Inspire community engagement. Elevate patient enrollment.

H Clinical offers effective strategies to attract patients and ensure diverse populations in clinical trials: community research sites and pop-up healthcare events. For clinical research sites in Latin America, community-based research enhances the ability to help extend the reach and accessibility of localized community engagement and patient recruitment. Community research sites are a great way to establish trust and build rapport with target populations.

Build Community Trust. Ensure Diverse Patient Populations.

Break Down Barriers to Clinical Trial Enrollment

Community research sites and pop-up clinics can foster a sense of community engagement and trust between researchers and potential participants. These sites set up in familiar locations such as parks, churches, schools, community centers, and health clinics. Hosting health and wellness events creates a more welcoming and less intimidating environment for individuals who are considering clinical trial participation. Community-based research utilizes mobile sites and pop-up health events to offer an opportunity to educate the local community about clinical trial participation, screen for certain conditions, and create a comfortable space for healthcare questions and conversations.

Create More Convenient Clinical Trial Participation

Bring clinical research directly to the communities where people live, work, and socialize. For many in Latin America, transportation, distance, and time away from work can present severe obstacles to visiting healthcare facilities or clinical research centers. Employing mobile solutions removes the barriers of long distances and travel challenges by making participation more accessible and convenient. This increased accessibility is what makes community-orientated research the wave of the future. As a result, researchers gain the ability to engage a more representative sample of the population and improve the validity of their findings.

Generate Results Beneficial to Diverse Patient Populations

Clinical trials often suffer from a lack of diversity among participants, which can limit the overall spectrum of the study results. Community research sites and pop-up health events help address this issue by providing a means to actively reach underrepresented communities. These mobile extensions can be tailored to specific demographics, helping patient recruitment to focus on diverse backgrounds, ages, and socio-economic statuses. Inclusivity in clinical trials is not only essential from an ethical standpoint, but also ensures that the results are more representative of the real-world population. Community-based research increases the relevance and applicability of studies—ultimately improving the quality of healthcare for everyone.

Leverage our community-based research strategies and infrastructure to reach more diverse patient populations and elevate patient recruitment.

  • Underserved populations
  • Expanded care options
  • Community partnerships
  • Patient research education
  • Trust-building programs
  • Mobile units
  • Experienced DCT staff
  • Sophisticated localized logistics
  • 97% enrollment rate
  • 99% retention rate

Our Solutions

Clinical Trial Services and Home Healthcare

Home Visits

Put patients at the center of the clinical trial experience

Patient Support Programs

Encourage adoption of patient-centered medication treatment plans

Patient Recruitment

Enhance clinical trial patient enrollment and retention

Clinical Research Staffing

Fill critical roles at sites with skilled and experienced professionals

Equipment + Supplies

Obtain high-quality, in-country medical equipment quickly

Storage + Infrastructure

Optimize timelines with in-country warehousing and logistics services